11 November 2009

Veterans Day...

I hope all veterans and active duty service members had a wonderful Veterans Day. The day is reserved for and dedicated to them.

I don't take any of my freedoms for granted and I have an indescribable amount of respect for those who have the determination, courage, and strength to serve their country. We are in hard times right now. We're at war, we're trying to rebuild our own government, and we still have men and women volunteering to serve every single day. They are the heroes and reasons we are able to rebuild and continue to be free. One of the main reasons I haven't quit my job yet is because I love feeling like I am serving those who protect my liberty and maybe even my own life.

To those serving overseas in Iraq or Afghanistan, or wherever else, I hope they know their fellow citizens respect them, want them to be safe, and want them to come home as soon as possible. I have friends that have served in both places and luckily they have returned home. One of them has been more than once and has come home each time. I wish this was the case for all of our men and women over there. I want them to be safe and to not be discouraged. Their country loves them and respects them. Those who don't are a minority and need a reality check. Without our military we wouldn't have anything we have now.

I had hoped to serve in the US Navy, but I have a physical condition keeping me from enlisting. I should have stepped up and made a decision earlier but I'm dumb and didn't realize that it would have been a good thing. I hope to be involved in the military somehow, though. I'm looking into civilian service and jobs.

I hope our veterans, and soon to be veterans, know that people do want to continue to join them. To use myself as an example... not all of us can be out there with you, but we are with you in hopes and prayers. Stay safe, come home safe, and never doubt your service. I, along with many others, waive their flags proudly.

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