20 July 2010

Sick, sick bubblegum...


I know it was Sunday and I'm just writing about it now, but I was recovering.

After waiting in line since 12:45ish, and not getting in until around 2:30, I saw people drunk off their shit in 100 degree weather, fights, baby bunnies hopping around the grounds (I hope they all made it), sloppy sunburned women, Nazis, and only 10 black people. In a way I felt like I was at a white power festival but I accept it. I would have been the minority at Jay-Z.

Here's a breakdown of the sets and the stages...

Silver Star Stage:
In This Moment
Norma Jean
3 Inches of Blood

Jagermeister Stage:
Winds of Plague
Shadows Fall

Rockstar Energy Main Stage:
Five Finger Death Punch
Lamb of God
Rob Zombie

The best bands of the day, by far, were Rob Zombie, Korn, Chimaira, and Shadows Fall.
Five Finger Death Punch surprised me, though. I wasn't a huge fan going in, and they overhyped the fact that their singer lives in Denver, but they put on a fun show. I didn't realize until after that he was also in Motograter back in the day. I lol'd.
I could take or leave Lamb of God. They're not one of my favorites and I don't think their set was that great. When you have to constantly tell the crowd to rock out you're doing something wrong. That place was more than alive when Zombie and Korn took the stage.
Speaking of Zombie, he rocked it so hard. His set was off the chain. By far one of the best shows I have ever witnessed. He was playing White Zombie songs, he was getting the crowd going, he was funny, and he didn't babble. He even came back for an encore to play "Dragula." I can't even describe how awesome. Just search for his 2010 Mayhem stuff on YouTube and you'll see.
Korn was good but not as good, in my opinion. Their set was cut short because of the curfew and because Zombie ran long. I give Jonathan Davis props for busting out the bagpipes, though. I was not expecting to hear "Shoots and Ladders."

Despite the sunburn I still have and the incredible heat (peaked at 103 F) I would do it again. I drank water all day. The only thing I would do different is bring an umbrella to shield the sun a little. That's all.

Go if you can. It's worth it.

14 July 2010

Got me thinking...

I was listening to and reading news about the BP oil spill in the Gulf and I thought of something... what if they don't want the oil to stop gushing out?

It has taken them this long to develop caps and test them and when they found something that was working they had to remove it. In the meantime our administration has been grilling BP and pushing the move toward green energy on the US and using the spill as an example. If the problem was fixed they wouldn't have a disaster to use as an example in an attempt to show us how "evil" fossil fuels are. They want us all walking and biking to and from. They want us taking mass transit everywhere. They want us using low flow toilets and shower heads that use just as much water when you think about it. They want energy star washers and dryers that use less water but take forever and don't clean as well because they use almost no water and just spin your soapy clothes around for an hour. It's all a joke and this oil spill might be one of the few things that I see where the conspiracy nuts are coming from. It's all too convenient to create or use a crisis and milk it for all it's worth to try and prove a point.

I'll close by quoting our current administration... "Never waste a crisis."

13 July 2010

NL is the winner...

I am so excited the National League was able to beat the American League. It's the first time since 1996 and it feels great. My favorite pitcher started for the NL and went two scoreless innings. Tulowitzki had tough luck being injured but at least he was in the dugout. He deserved to be there for sure.

Let's go for 2 in a row and win it next year too.

08 July 2010

The Traps Come Alive...

So... now Saw VII is Saw 3D: The Traps Come Alive. I hope Lionsgate goes bankrupt for this one.

First they make Saw VII in 3D despite how much the true fans (aka, their gross income) barked against it. Then they screw over Kevin Greutert via a contractual clause. Now they give the movie a dumb as fuck title? Hell no.

This is retarded.

01 July 2010

I want to see...

I was thinking about some of the movies that are coming out this summer, and the rest of the year, and I realized I want to see a decent amount of them...

Scott Pilgrim vs. the World
Piranha 3D
The Last Exorcism
Resident Evil: Afterlife
The Chronicles of Narnia: The Voyage of the Dawn Treader

Movie theaters will be the end of my bank account.