21 March 2010

I hope you're all pleased with yourselves...

When you get fined for not enrolling in Obamacare and when you have to wait months for tests and when you die waiting for treatments and when you're denied coverage because of "pre-existing conditions," you'll probably think twice before saying the phrase "Yes we can" again.

Thanks a lot for fucking up our freedom and our country. Not all of us look good in red and yellow.

19 March 2010

Why do they do this...

Saw on Tour... sounds awesome, right?!

It does, but it would be even more awesome if I could go.

The only location that makes sense for me to go to is in Anaheim, CA at the Anaheim Comic Con. However, that is less than a month away. A week from this Sunday I am flying to Minnesota to visit my brother and my vacation leave from work ends on April 11th. The con is April 16-18. Yes, you read it correctly. It is the weekend after my vacation ends.

It is easy to say, "why don't you just take another weekend off?"
I would if my co-worker wasn't leaving for Japan the day after I come back. We aren't allowed to have 2 people gone at the same time because there are only 5 people in our department. In theory I could catch the flu or something and get the weekend off to go... if I want to lose my job. It sure is tempting but I can't afford to lose it right now. There are still 0 jobs out there thanks to the economy and Dumbo (aka, Obama).

Ugh. *slams face down on desk*

09 March 2010

Alice in Wonderland...


Definitely not worth the addition $3 for 3D. If you are determined to see this movie and haven't already, see it in 3D. Trust me... you aren't missing anything.

As for the story, it was much different from the Disney cartoon. Alice isn't a child, "Wonderland" is in turmoil, and she basically is lured back into Wonderland by the white rabbit so she can help the residents out of the Red Queen's slavery. That's what I got out of it.

Johnny Depp wasn't that great, to be honest. He was mad, I'll give him that, but the make-up and Helena Bonham Carter upstaged him. Anne Hathaway was a lousy White Queen, the Cheshire Cat wasn't as trippy as he could/should have been, Tweedle Dee and Tweedle Dum looked like Uncle Fester from the Addams Family, and the talking animals kept reminding me of Narnia... well, Narnia on crack.

I'm still debating on if I liked it or not. I didn't really want to see it in the first place.


My dad told me this morning that Colorado wants to start adding state sales tax to internet purchases, on top of shipping & handling fees, and Amazon.com is refusing to cooperate. Apparently they're talking about shutting off service to Colorado customers because they don't want to charge the sales tax the state is trying to demand.

I use Amazon all the time and now because of our stupid Democrat-filled state government I might not be able to order stuff from there anymore. I am so pissed.

06 March 2010

Repo Men...

This whole concept is such an obvious rip-off of Repo! The Genetic Opera without the music. I mean, come on.

You don't pay for your organs, a repo man comes and repossesses them. We've seen it before and it didn't have Jude Law in it.

I refuse to see Repo Men.

03 March 2010

16 and Pregnant...

I swear... this show is a perfect example of how stupid our teenagers are.

I watched the first season (yes, yes, I did) and have been watching the second one. So far, the 3 girls they have focused on are even dumber and more immature than the girls from the first season, except Farrah. Farrah was just a dumb bitch.

I don't understand how these kids get themselves into situations like this. The episode from last night with Valerie, who is the youngest girl focused on so far, was an eye-opener. You can tell how young she is by just looking at her face and listening to the tone of her voice. I mean, getting pregnant by an older boy in 9th grade? Seriously people.
These boys that knock these girls up don't care and almost never stick around. All they are doing is becoming statistics and bringing children into the world that don't deserve the lives that they inevitably have almost 100% of the time; a life surrounded by fighting, loneliness, and poverty. I always have felt sorry for the grandparents of these babies because they wind up raising another child 8 out of 10 times because their children are too immature to do so.

I'm not saying these girls, and maybe even the boys, don't love their children but every single one of them wishes they would have waited after everything is said and done. How about this idea... actually wait.