30 September 2008


it's my birthday, woot.

totally going to rodizio's tonight. i love that place so much.

29 September 2008


i'm going to rodizio's for my birthday tomorrow. i effing love that place.

they have grilled pineapple... drool.

the weekend was really crazy. i had to work a lot and found out my co-worker got mugged/kidnapped at gunpoint on thursday night. everyone was so shocked and scared. she came in on saturday and her face was so bruised up, her one eye was bright red, and she was really shaken... scary stuff. makes you really love this city.

sarcasm intended.

24 September 2008

busy on december 6th?

i have my ticket already. i'll probably make some copies of this and post them around, too.

20 September 2008


i'm kind of feeling like i'm losing my mind right now. stress does miraculous things to you.

but my birthday is in 10 days. kind of odd to think i'm going to be 20.

16 September 2008


i bought my ticket for amanda palmer already.

12/6, baby!

14 September 2008

my voice is shot

so i was talking a lot at work yesterday, which is already odd because i honestly don't talk much. that made my voice a little scratchy. then my friends came over, well 2 out of the 3 because one of them was being an anti-social freak, and we decided to play rockband and do karaoke for 4 hours straight.

i don't think i have ever sang so much britney and n*sync in my entire life. we also did a lot of michael jackson. the kid is not my son, bitches.
this morning my voice is completely shot. i don't know how singers and performers talk/sing all the time. it does not work for me.

10 September 2008

didn't even realize until now.

tomorrow is september 11th.

i don't know about anyone else, but i still have the images of the planes crashing burned into my memory. i don't think the images will ever go away.

my prayers go to those whos lives were unfortunately cut and to the troops who have died fighting for our country. i still think we're fighting the right battle.

08 September 2008

we killed it

i am officially a poor mofo now. i blew almost $120 on the "who killed amanda palmer" pre-order. i decided to get the most expensive package because it had so much cool stuff included. hopefully it'll be even better because i was one of the people that got a heads up on the pre-order on the official forum so i think i'm one of the 250 out of 672 that get more than amanda's writing on the stuff.

i did feel like a complete dork, though. when i got through to the link i was so excited and in a rush to get it done that i completely blew past choosing which t-shirt size i wanted. i got my confirmation and saw, "WKAP shirt, small" and i just went, FUCK! there is no way my big ass is ever fitting into a small.
but i called them and they were able to change it. to anyone reading this that had the same problem, just call. it only took about 2-3 minutes to get it resolved.

but i am really tired now. sitting around in an uncomfortable, old computer chair all day does wonders to your body. all i can say is at least sean posted the next WKAP video a day early as a thanks to everyone that sat around and waited. that boosted my energy up a little bit.

does this make me an obsessed fan-girl?

05 September 2008


i am going against everything i said previously and pre-ordering "who killed amanda palmer."

the chance of her playing a concert in your fucking living room is too good to pass up. i know i won't win, but it never hurts to try... that and i want the spiffy stuff in the $100 bundle.

that is if i can pre-order it and be one of the 672 people that are allowed. if not, it's the $34.99 bundle.

02 September 2008

worth a try

for my music appreciation class we have to do a 5-7 minute oral presentation about something musical. the catch is it can't be over classical music or old composers. i don't know about the other people in my class but this made me really excited because i immediately thought of the perfect artist to do my presentation on...

amanda fucking palmer.

my professor said he's looking for uniqueness, freshness, and preferably something or someone that a lot of people might not know about. i think amanda fits those things and much more.
seeing that most people probably would not know who amanda palmer is without the dresden dolls, i'll be including her musical companionship with brian viglione as well.

it's perfect. there are so many resources, art pieces, quotes, songs, and things i haven't thought of yet that i could use in this presentation. i want to do it early so i can maybe introduce people to her around the release of the new album, "who killed amanda palmer."
i'm thinking of making a 3-4 song sampler to give to everyone as a gift along with using songs and video for the presentation itself.

i'm excited.

my excitement for this made me feel better for not being able to go to the nine inch nails concert at red rocks tonight. i still regret not buying tickets... damn it.

01 September 2008


so i went to the taste of colorado with my sister today. for those unfamiliar, it's a food/drink festival that takes over civic center park in denver. there are restaurants and little shops that set up along the streets. you buy tickets and at each tent they have food or drinks available for you to get with your tickets. they range from tastes, which are just little samples, to full meals. obviously full meals take up most of your tickets (some are up to 18 tickets) so i went around and got samples which range from 1-5 tickets.

along with a really good sample of a black peppercorn steak, i ate alligator... yes, alligator.
here's a picture of it:it really wasn't that bad. it smelled kind of like fish and had a really unique taste. i would have eaten the whole cup but the fact that i knew i was eating alligator tail got to me and i couldn't finish it. my sister couldn't either. i ate two pieces and she ate two.

not something i would eat again but i'm glad i tried it.